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The Early November bring you their second full length album, THE MOTHER, THE MECHANIC, AND THE PATH. This triple disc release contains all new material and is a carefully thought out endeavor. THE MECHANIC disc highlights the group's heavier rock sound, THE MOTHER disc leans toward the acoustic with hints of country and blues. THE PATH is a soundtrack complete with dialogue and characters both of which intermingle amongst the first two CD's thus tying the three discs together.Reviews:
You can't fault young men for ambition. You can very much fault world famous middle-aged men for "ambition" (see: Garth Brooks' The Life of Chris Gaines). But the Early November get a pass, if not gold stars all around. The Jersey quintet not only pull a Foo Fighters here, unleashing discs both heavy (The Mechanic) and quasi-acoustic (The Mother), but a "soundtrack" disc linking the two (The Path), with original dialogue and characters. Did we mention this is just their sophomore album? Did we mention that it's mandatory to listen to the latter with headphones? Did we mention we haven't the slightest idea what the story's about? Hey, going on hubris alone, chances are this'll be a more fulfilling three hours than King Kong. Take the plunge.back to top